
Citrus Lymph Flush
If you don’t have access to a juicer, you can use a Vitamix or other high-speed blender to blend and then strain the juice through

Energizing Boost
If you don’t have access to a juicer, you can use a Vitamix or other high-speed blender to blend and then strain the juice through

Recharge Rainbow
If you don’t have access to a juicer, you can use a Vitamix or other high-speed blender to blend and then strain the juice through

Adrenal Recovery Green Smoothie
You can drink this smoothie every day to help get your adrenals back on track. Then, it’s great to enjoy as much as you like,

Beauty Magic
Add all ingredients in a high speed blender in the order they are listed and blend until smooth. Add 3-5 ice cubes after blending if